Internationalization and innovation strategies as distinguishing aspects for the expansion of a multinational company


  • Nelson Roberto Furquim Universidade Anhembi Morumbi
  • Edmur Caniato Arantes



Internacionalização, Inovação, Expansão


The purpose of this study was to discuss how the innovation and internationalization strategies adopted by a multinational group have impacted its corporate growth process. The historical and geographical contexts were also considered and influenced that process. The strategies used for the introduction of the firm in the Brazilian market were also approached. . For carrying out the study, the starting point was a theoretical review of the growth, innovation and internationalization of firms. As far as the study empirical approach was concerned, it was considered the Geberit Group acting on the sanitary technology market, with the objective of analyzing the impact of the various strategies adopted by the firm in its expansion process. From the analysis of the firm evolution process, it was observed that the group growth happened through diversification strategies (CHANDLER, 1990), applying the use of offensive innovation strategies (FREEMAN e SOETE, 1999). As far as growth through internationalization was concerned, it happened after consolidation in the original market (CHESNAIS, 1996), taking into account the internal organizational complexity needed to adjust the firm to the different markets (HAGEDOORN, 1994).


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Author Biographies

Nelson Roberto Furquim, Universidade Anhembi Morumbi

Coordenador dos cursos de Marketing e Superior de Tecnologia em Marketing, Graduação Tecnológica online em Marketing e de Processos Gerenciais. Professor do curso de Administração da Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. Doutorando do Programa Interunidades em Nutrição Humana Aplicada (PRONUT), da Universidade de São Paulo.

Edmur Caniato Arantes

Arquiteto com mestrado profissional pelo Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas (IPT), e especialização na escola de Arquitetura da Normandia, na área de reabilitação de edificações e urbana.



How to Cite

Furquim, N. R., & Arantes, E. C. (2012). Internationalization and innovation strategies as distinguishing aspects for the expansion of a multinational company. Internext - International Business and Management Review, 6(2), 116–137.


