Gradual commitment and integration: a multilatina cross-border merger and acquisition case




Multilatina, Cross-border M&A, Integration, Gradual commitment


Objective: To investigate the acquisition process of a multilatina by a much larger one, emphasizing its integration process. Specifically, this article explored the pre- and post-acquisition processes (considering the respective challenges and uncertainties of the process) to answer “How can effective acquisition be achieved?”. Method: This is a single-case study with a qualitative approach and process perspective. The coding process and analysis were based on triangulated primary and secondary data (first-order codes) and mergers and acquisitions (M&A) integration literature (second-order codes). Main Results: The study empirically demonstrates how the main cross-border M&A challenges to integration were averted through gradual commitment in the pre- and post-deal phases, providing important academic and practical contributions. Relevance / Originality / Theoretical / Methodological Contributions: The paper provides important academic and practical contributions regarding the pace of integration, size mismatch, and the importance of dedicated teams, not to mention two propositions to be tested. Finally, it stands out as a multilatina M&A case with a process perspective, answering research calls.


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How to Cite

Kogut, C., Mello, R. de, & Cunha, T. B. da. (2024). Gradual commitment and integration: a multilatina cross-border merger and acquisition case . Internext - International Business and Management Review, 19(3).