Internationalization ecosystems: a framework proposal for the international business theory
Internationalization Ecosystem, Business Ecosystem, Theoretical FrameworkAbstract
Objective: The research proposes an original theoretical framework to explain the nature, uniqueness, and dynamics of the Internationalization Ecosystem (INT-E), streamlining the integration of contemporary International Business (IB) theories into an ecosystemic perspective. Method: A systematic literature review (SLR) was carried out to identify the different types of studies focused on internationalization from an ecosystemic perspective, followed by a thematic analysis, which determined the framework’s key conceptual constructs. Main Results: An INT-E framework was conceptualized, integrating business, entrepreneurial, innovation, and platform ecosystems, extracting pivotal elements to enhance its theoretical and practical dimensions within the realm of IB studies. Relevance/Originality: The INT-E concept is underexplored in IB literature, especially in an ecosystemic context. It is typically seen as part of broader ecosystems like entrepreneurship or digital platforms, but here a new conceptual perspective is proposed, opening avenues for further inquiry. Theoretical / Methodological Contributions: Theoretically, by conceiving the INT-E framework, the research encourages the pursuit of studies on ecosystem integration and replication, which is still incipient in most IB literature. Methodologically, the application of the thematic analysis enhances the qualitative aspect of studies in IB theory. Social / Managerial Contributions: The framework serves as a tool for enhancing internationalization strategies across various dimensions, including export promotion, foreign direct investment (FDI) attraction and ecosystem integration.
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