Influences of international experience and business diversification in internationalization degree of Brazilian Multinationals


  • Ivano Ribeiro State University of West of Paraná, UNIOESTE/PR, Cascavel/PR, Brazil
  • Fernando Antonio Ribeiro Serra University Nine of July, UNINOVE/SP, São Paulo/SP, Brazil
  • Geysler Rogis Flor Bertolini State University of West of Paraná, UNIOESTE/PR, Cascavel/PR, Brazil



Strategy International business Transnationality index


This article is positioned in the literature on the internationalization process of Brazilian multinational companies. As some multinational companies internationalize with greater speed and have better performance than others, this study, the effects were examined two-dimensional - The time of international experience and business diversification - the degree of internationalization of Brazilian multinationals. For the research we used secondary data from the Transnationality Index of Brazilian Companies of the Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC), Brazilian Multinational Observatory of the Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM), as well as information of the BM&FBovespa and the fields of internet of the 43 surveyed companies and their subsidiaries. The results indicate that the diversification of the company's business is positively related to the degree of internationalization. The previous international experience does not seem to be a predictor of the degree of internationalization, which may relate to the internationalization process of Brazilian multinationals be a phenomena still relatively recent.


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Author Biographies

Ivano Ribeiro, State University of West of Paraná, UNIOESTE/PR, Cascavel/PR, Brazil

is PhD in Business Administration from PPGA at the University Nine of July. Actually is professor on Center of Social Sciences Applied at the State University of West of Paraná, UNIOESTE/PR, Cascavel/PR, Brazil

Fernando Antonio Ribeiro Serra, University Nine of July, UNINOVE/SP, São Paulo/SP, Brazil

is PhD in Materials Engineering by the Pontifical University Catholic from Rio de Janeiro – PUC/RJ. Actually is professor and researcher from PPGA at the University Nine of July, UNINOVE/SP, São Paulo/SP, Brazil

Geysler Rogis Flor Bertolini, State University of West of Paraná, UNIOESTE/PR, Cascavel/PR, Brazil

is PhD in Production Engineering from Federal University of Santa Catarina – UFSC/SC. Actually is professor and researcher from Center of Social Sciences Applied at the State University of West of Paraná, UNOESTE/PR, Cascavel/PR, Brazil


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, I., Serra, F. A. R., & Bertolini, G. R. F. (2017). Influences of international experience and business diversification in internationalization degree of Brazilian Multinationals. Internext - International Business and Management Review, 11(3), 36–48.