The Internationalization of the Brazilian soap-operas in the streaming era: the Globo case




Audiovisual Market, TV Globo, Strategies of Standardization and Adaptation, Streaming Platforms


Objective: This case study aimed to present the trajectory taken by TV Globo for alternatives to internationalize its audiovisual products, from the consolidation of the Globo Quality Standard of Soap-operas to the current dispute with Streaming Platforms.

Method: The data for the construction of the historical context were extracted from newspapers, magazines and academic theses, and other information from company and agency reports published on the internet.

Main Results: Use of VRIO analysis in the context of analyzing the internationalization of Brazilian audiovisual products.

Relevance / Originality: This case promotes a debate on the internationalization of audiovisual products for a leading company in the segment that now needs to formulate new internationalization strategies in the Streaming era. The dilemma in this case concerns whether the company continues to standardize or must adapt its productions?

Theoretical / Methodological Contributions: Use of VRIO analysis in the context of analyzing the internationalization of Brazilian audiovisual products.

Social / Management Contributions: This Teaching Case is recommended for students in the field of business administration and international business. Its application is recommended for courses on business internationalization, international marketing and innovation, which want to address topics such as international strategies, standardization or adaptation of international products, and new business models by platform.


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How to Cite

Dias , S., & Russo, E. (2023). The Internationalization of the Brazilian soap-operas in the streaming era: the Globo case. Internext - International Business and Management Review, 19(1).



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