Extreme context and emotions in organizational ruins scenarios: a cross-culture study





Extreme contexto, Organizational ruins, Emotions, Cross-culture


Objective: In this article, the objective is to understand how the extreme context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the organizational ruins caused by it impacted on emotional states and decision-making processes and consequently on business management in different cultures. Method: The qualitative exploratory and descriptive research of the cross culture type was in two gastronomic centers, the cities of Belo Horizonte and Rome; in the bar and restaurant sector, in a sample of 114 restaurants. Main Results: The COVID-19 pandemic was classified as an extreme context of disruption, emergency and potentially risky. The scenarios of organizational ruins found corroborate the division carried out and showed a great impact on emotions, in addition, different management solutions were found in the face of the extreme context in each of the cultures. The decision-making process showed alternatives for companies to survive the crisis. One hundred percent of respondents showed negative emotions. Relevance / Originality: The situations of uncertainty produced by extreme contexts impact on management and organizational survival strategies that can cause organizational ruins, as demonstrated in research never before conducted in Brazil and with a theme still little researched worldwide. Theoretical / Methodological Contributions: The results of the research expand the theoretical and empirical knowledge about the strategies of deconstruction, evidence and reconstruction of companies and the emotional aspects of these managers and the way they managed the crisis in each country. Social Contributions / for Management: The research contributes to broadening the knowledge of risk and vulnerability situations in extreme contexts, while discussing new concepts associated with organizational ruins and elucidating the impact of emotions on the process of ruin caused by extreme contexts.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, M. C., Pardini, D. J., Ribeiro, J. S. de A. N., & Peixoto, V. A. B. (2023). Extreme context and emotions in organizational ruins scenarios: a cross-culture study. Internext - International Business and Management Review, 18(3). https://doi.org/10.18568/internext.v18i3.731