Brazilian women immigrant entrepreneurship in Toronto, Canada
Immigrant Entrepreneurship, Brazilian Women, Toronto, CanadaAbstract
Objective: This article aimed to analyze the sociodemographic and entrepreneurial profile of Brazilian immigrant women in Toronto, Canada, as well as characteristics of the businesses themselves. Method: Data were collected in Toronto through the application of questionnaires with 47 Brazilian women entrepreneurs and 22 semi-structured interviews, representing a multimethod approach. The analysis included descriptive statistics and qualitative analysis of trajectories and life histories. Main Results: Respondents are mostly from the Southeastern region of Brazil, white, married, with children, aged between 30 and 59 years, with a high level of education and proficiency in English. Most of the businesses are small/individual, in the service sector. The target market, for the most part, is “Brazilians residing in Canada”, therefore, “ethnic” and “coethnic”. The importance of networking to entrepreneurial activities is widely recognized. Difficulty related to balancing work and family was pointed out, which requires further studies on the influence of family resources and gender roles on the paths of entrepreneurship of Brazilian immigrant women in Canada. The work also highlights the intersectionality of the insertion of Brazilian immigrant entrepreneurs in Canadian society. Relevance / Originality: the work focuses on a poorly researched audience, that of Brazilian female entrepreneurs in Canada, highlighting important elements of their work in the country. Theoretical / Methodological Contributions: The article contributes to the literature on female entrepreneurship in Canada.
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