International entrepreneurship and global mindset: a theoretical discussion





International entrepreneurship, Global mindset, Internationalization, Entrepreneur


Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the constructs of international entrepreneurship (IE) and global mindset (GM). Method: A bibliographic investigation was conducted in the journals of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), Emerald Insight, Scopus, Spell, Springer and Web of Science. Descriptors (English and Portuguese) were used in the databases to search for scientific articles that related to the themes of IE and GM. Main Results: Convergences and divergences between the IE and GM constructs and contemporary trends were perceived. Regarding convergences, two important aspects were present in this discussion: the entrepreneur's behavior and its influence on the internationalization process. Entrepreneurial skills, international knowledge, and global orientation stand out in entrepreneurial behavior. In the internationalization process, the speed of internationalization is emphasized as part of the process. Regarding the differentiating characteristics between the IE and GM constructs, cosmopolitanism is present in the first and a combination of individual global mindset (IGM) and corporate global mindset (CGM) is present in the second. Relevance / Originality: This is a theme little discussed in the literature. This study highlights the influence of GM, its relationship with IE, and the factors that can jointly impact international networks. Theoretical / Methodological Contributions: This research clarifies that, although the GM can be expressed independently of EI, the performance of IE is related to the presence of GM.


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How to Cite

Silva Spindola Correia , A. M., & Pereira, Y. V. (2023). International entrepreneurship and global mindset: a theoretical discussion: UNA DISCUSIÓN TEÓRICA. Internext - International Business and Management Review, 18(2).