



Innovation in Services, Tourism Services, Tourism Services Innovation, Systematic Literature Review, Methodi Oridinatio


Objective: To present the panorama of international empirical research on innovation in tourism services from 2008 to 2020 and proposes a research agenda.

Methods: Systematic Literature Review (SLR) using Methodi Ordinatio to classify and select the greatest articles for the thematic. In sequence a content analysis of the articles studied was performed.

Main results: The hotel sector is the main locus study in empirical research. Taiwan is the country that has researched the most about innovation in tourism services.    The main theme of the articles are (i) determinants of innovation; (ii) results of innovation; (iii) innovative behavior; (iv) the role of the tourist in innovation; (v) sustainable innovation and (vi) network innovation.   In the end, this paper presents the main gaps and proposes a research agenda.

Relevance/ originality:  Tourism is a relevant sector for the economy, representing 10.3% of global GDP. In addition, the high degree of competitiveness in the sector requires innovations from companies. The originality of this article is to demonstrate, through a systematic literature review, how the academy has studied innovation in tourism services, bringing the main concepts, approaches, results, gaps and research agenda on the theme.

Theoretical/ methodological contributions: Among the theoretical contributions, it is important to mention the systematization of research on innovation in tourism services, systematization of the main themes, identification of gaps and presentation of a research agenda. Regarding methodological contributions, was used Methodi Ordinatio. This method selects articles not only by the journal's impact factor, but also considers the year of publication and number of citations of the article.


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Author Biographies

Nathane Eva Santos Peixoto, Universidade de Brasília - UnB Instituto Federal de Brasília - IFB

Doutoranda em Administração pela Universidade de Brasília -UnB, Brasília, (Brasil). Professora de Gestão do Instituto Federal de Brasília - IFB.

Melcíades Marinho Pereira-Filho, Universidade de Brasília - UnB

Mestrando em Administração pela Universidade de Brasília - UnB, Brasília, (Brasil).

Josivania Silva Farias, Universidade de Brasília - UnB

Doutora em Administração pela Universidade de Brasília - UnB, Brasília, (Brasil). Professora de Graduação e de Pós-Graduação em Administração da Universidade de Brasília - UnB.


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How to Cite

Peixoto, N. E. S., Pereira-Filho, M. M., & Farias, J. S. (2021). OVERVIEW OF THE INTERNATIONAL EMPIRICAL PRODUCTION OF TOURISM SERVICES INNOVATION BETWEEN 2008 AND 2020: A SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW. Internext - International Business and Management Review, 16(1), 56–74. https://doi.org/10.18568/internext.v16i1.596