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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article is original and unpublished; it is not under review or published in another journal .

  • The articles for submission are in Microsoft Word format, (as long as they do not exceed 2MB).

  • All the page addresses on the internet (URLs), included in the text are active and ready to click.

  • The text is formatted with 1.5 spaces; uses a Times New Roman font, 12 point; uses italics instead of underline (except for the URL addresses); the figures and tables are inserted in the text and not at the end of the document .

  • The complete text has the dimension between 6,000 and 8,000 words.

Author Guidelines

Writing Guidelines

Submission policy

The decisions and actions of the Editorial Board are based on ethical principles based on the belief that support scientific journals and publishers should follow the latest advances in the scientific academic world.

Operationally, in accordance with the Open Journal System (OJS) platform, all submitted articles are evaluated by the Editorial Board in terms of their scientific merit, suitability and compliance with the standards of the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition and other precepts of the INTERNEXT Journal.


The manuscripts submitted to the IJI Journal should be prepared in accordance with the following guidelines and submitted in a single MSWord file. This file must contain all the components of the manuscript, including title, abstract (in Portuguese and English), summary and all remaining parts, excluding any information allowing identification of the author. Information regarding authorship is entered directly into the system.

§ Text formatting: 1.5 spacing;

§ Font size: Times New Roman, 12 point;

§ Extension: maximum of 35 pages, including the entire manuscript, references, tables, figures and annexes;

§ Margins: all margins must be configured for 2.5 cm;

Excessively long manuscripts may be returned to authors for amendments prior to a possible assessment;

§ Footnotes and endnotes: should be avoided;

§ Figures and tables: should be editable and placed in the body of the manuscript where referenced

Paragraph Indentation: paragraphs should have a 1 cm indentation on the left-hand side;

§ Numbering: all pages should be numbered sequentially, beginning with Page 1.


The first page, numbered 1, should include the title, abstract and keywords. Authors must provide a version of the title, abstract and keywords in English).

The abstract should not exceed 250 words. The abstract should be illustrative of the research question, conceptual foundation, methodology, main results and contribution or implications.


The body of the manuscript follows the abstract, beginning with the INTRODUCTION.

Footnotes or endnotes should be used in moderation and if possible avoided. In any case, authors should not use footnotes to include references to discussions or presentations of concepts. In these situations authors are asked to consider whether the text is relevant and should be included in the body of the text or whether it is marginal and can be excluded.

Titles and subtitles

The main section titles, such as INTRODUCTION, THEORETICAL REFERENCE FRAMWEORK, METHOD, RESULTS, DISCUSSION and REFERENCES should be written in bold capital letters. For example:


Second-order titles or subtitles should be left-aligned and in bold, with only the first word capitalized. For example:

Independent variables

Tables and figures

All tables and figures should appear in the text when cited the first time. All tables and figures should be numbered sequentially and should have an explanatory title.

The title number of tables and figures should appear at the top (before the table/figure), with font size 12. Sources and notes should appear at the end, with font size 10 points.

A representation with columns and rows should be considered as a table and any other type of illustration as a figure. Differentiations between figures, illustrations, graphs, etc., should be avoided, and all should be considered as figures.


At the end of the manuscript, a complete list of the references used in the manuscript should be provided. This list should begin with the statement REFERENCES and be alphabetically organized by last name of the first author (or publisher or journal in cases where no single author is identified). References to the same author should be arranged chronologically and, in the case of referencing several works by the same author and the same year, differentiate using the indication of a, b, c, after the year.

The references should be formatted in accordance with the standards of the American Psychological Association (APA). An example is provided below:

Reference to books

Simon, H. (1977), The new science of management decision. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall.

Nelson, R. & Winter, S. (1982). An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.

Cyert, R. & March, J. (1963). A behavioral theory of the firm. Oxford: Blackwell.

References to journal articles

Grant, R. (1996). Toward a knowledge-based theory of the firm. Strategic Management Journal, 17: 109-122.

Barney, J. (1991). Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. Journal of Management, 17: 99-120.

Reference book chapters

Dosi, G. & Marengo, L. (1994). Some elements of an evolutionary theory of organisational competences. In England, R. (ed.) Evolutionary Concepts in Contemporary Economics, pp. 157-178, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

Reference to theses and dissertations and other unpublished works

Ferreira, M. (2005). Building and leveraging knowledge capabilities through cross border acquisitions: The effect of the multination corporation's capabilities and knowledge strategy on the degree of equity ownership. Unpublished doctoral thesis, David Eccles School of Business of the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Pinto, C., Serra, F. & Ferreira, M. (2014). A bibliometric study on culture research in international business,working paper º 107/2014, globADVANTAGE – Center of Research in International Business & Strategy, Portugal.

Reference to papers presented at events

SERRA, F., Ferreira, M., Pinto, C. & Serra, B. (2013). Is organizational decline research still important? The specialists’ point of view. Article presented at the 8th Ibero American Academy Conference 2013, São Paulo, Brazil.

Citations in the body of the text

Quotes from or references to works in the body of the text should follow the norm of indicating the names of the authors and the year of publication in parentheses. For example: "several studies (see, Ferreira & Serra, 2009) noted that ..."

The page number should be indicated only in direct and accurate quotes. In these cases, the page number follows the year, separated by comma (,) and a "p.". For example, Ferreira and Serra (2009, p. 23).

If the work in question has multiple authors, the following procedures should be adopted. If the work has only two authors, both names should be used in all citations. If the work has more than two authors, all the names should be cited on the first reference in the manuscript and subsequently simplified using the expression "et al.". For example:

In the first citation, quote: Serra, Fiates and Ferreira (2009)

In the following quotes: Serra et al. (2009)


Política padrão de seção

Applied Research Articles

'applied article' with changes and different designations, such as technical articles, technological reports and technical reports (Motta, 2017). Notwithstanding the distinct names, these papers aim to study or solve a practical problem. The appropriate adoption of a research method can bring greater scientific rigor to this kind of paper.

Motta, G. S. (2017). Como escrever um bom artigo tecnológico? Revista de Administração Contemporânea21(5). doi:




Internacionalização do esporte "Agradecemos aos professores Ary J. R. Junior e Ivan Rizzo a elabor. da chamada especial"

Agradecemos aos professores Ary Jose Rocco Junior e Ivan Rizzo a elaboração da chamada especial de artigos sobre o tema Internacionalização do Espeote.

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The names and addresses informed to this journal will exclusively be used for the services rendered for publication; they will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.