Orientation of sustainable management of chemical company with international activity


  • Marcelo da Silva Schuster UFSM/UNIPAMPA
  • Renato Rodrigues Dias FACULDADE PALOTINA




Strategy, Sustainable management, Internationalization


The search for new business possibilities, either through international activities and capture niche markets appear as a distinct trend among organizations that target growth. For this growing number of organizations intent on investing in new issues related to values such as citizenship, ethics and environmental concerns. There is the adoption of a more responsive to the community or even the acceptance of responsibility for the impacts of their production processes, inserting themselves in what was initially called the Social Responsibility within the business context and developed the concept of Elkington (1998) generated a discussion about a new movement that was called a sustainable paradigm. It was observed generally that sustainable management is still very close to supporting tools and not as part of the construction of corporate strategy although it is possible to realize that they seek a greater involvement in this direction when they start to review their strategies. This question can be perceived at different levels between the companies, but which shows the issue is the lack of direct indicators for investment and sustainable return. Sustainable management proved to be a source of opportunity for overseas business for the companies studied, as preparation for work with environmental legislation, global requirements, raw materials and environmentally friendly processes organizations prepared to market in the global sphere, and Brazil note that the innovative products for their production process and / or alternative raw material still do not get the spotlight. Acting in a sustainable manner enables the development of strategies agreed with conscious posture and changes in cultural terms in general, which can create new opportunities for those who can keep up with the global business scenario.


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Author Biographies


Mestre em Administração -UFSM Professora do curso de Graduação -UFSM Professora do curso de Graduação e Pós Graduação Faculdade Palotina- FAPAS Professora UCE-RS Consultora de Administração e Negócios

Marcelo da Silva Schuster, UFSM/UNIPAMPA

Mestrando em Gestão Pública - UFSM Especialista em Gestão de Recursos Humanos- FATEC Administrador -UFSM/UNIPAMPA

Renato Rodrigues Dias, FACULDADE PALOTINA

Mestre em Administração -UFRGS Professor Assistente - UFSM Professor Faculdade Palotina


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How to Cite

Dias, V. da V., Schuster, M. da S., & Dias, R. R. (2013). Orientation of sustainable management of chemical company with international activity. Internext - International Business and Management Review, 8(1), 68–87. https://doi.org/10.18568/1980-4865.8168-87