Institutional Theory and International Entrepreneurship: A Review
Institutional Theory, Institutionalism, International Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship, BibliometricsResumo
Purpose: To review the literature that uses institutional theory to examine the internationalization of smaller and entrepreneurial firms, covering the period from January 1, 2008 to September 30, 2020.
Method: The bibliometric review uses the bibliographic coupling technique and content analysis.
Main Findings: The literature was divided in three periods using bibliometric techniques, and the main themes examined in each period were identified and analyzed qualitatively.
Relevance /Originality: Only one previous literature review examined the same issue addressed in this paper, but only covered articles published up to 2008 (Szyliowicz & Galvin, 2010).
Theoretical Contributions: The study uncovers the thematic structure of the field throughout the period examined and suggests issues for future research.
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